Instaurare omnia in Christo
To restore all things in Christ
If you are already a baptized Catholic, but are wanting to make your
First Communion and/or Confirmation this is also the place for you!!!
There are many baptized Catholics, perhaps like yourself, who through no real fault of their own, were unable to receive First Communion and/or Confirmation as children. In many cases, the initial faith instruction these folks may have received in those early years has often faded. Or in some cases, these baptized Catholics were raised in other Christian faiths and wish to return to the faith of their Baptism. We want you back and RCIA is the program for you!!!
In most instances, our baptized Catholics simply attend the same classes as do our unbaptized catechuems and candidates from other faiths. For most baptized Catholics, their past religious instruction was incomplete, so the RCIA Instructional Program helps them regain and complete their understanding of the faith.
When are the RCIA & RICA Classes?
English instructional classes will be on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm from September to the end of May. (English). Spanish instructional classes will be on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm from September to the end of May.
Are there other Requirements?
- Weekly class attendance is an expectation and part of the commitment you are undertaking.
- Attending mass on weekends is required. Our catechuems and candidates in the RCIA Program will be going to the 9:00 am Mass and we prefer that you attend this mass if your schedule permits.
- Have a sponsor who acts as Guide and Mentor during the September-Easter time period.
Please give these requirements serious thought as you contemplate and pray about joining our Program. Be certain in advance that you have the time to attend all of the required Masses and classes.
What is the RCIA Program?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the manner by which adult persons are brought into the Catholic Church. The term Christian Initiation refers to the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion which a Catholic needs in order to be considered a full member of the Church. The RCIA Program at St. Pius starts in July and last until the end of May of the following year.
The Program will be using the Symbolon DVD Catechetical Series in our classes. This series uses short instructional DVDs given by the fine instructors of Denver's own Augustine Institute. The DVDs will provide an overview of essential Catholic teachings including the Sacraments, the Meaning of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection, Mary and the Saints, the Church's Moral Doctrines and much more. The DVDs allow much time for class discussion and reflection.
It is a big commitment!
This is why we take our time with this process. We are an old church, as you know, and have many treasured teachings, rituals, symbols, and sacraments to share with you. It cannot be transmitted to you in a matter of a few weeks or months. We want you to feel that when you complete the program, that you not only understand the basics of your new faith, realize the Grace that has been poured upon you to help you change your life, and can embrace all that our parish has to offer you. We also want the parish community to get to know and embrace you. They fully understand the commitment that you are making and, as you will discover, they will admire you and be proud of you as you journey toward Easter!
Is there a Cost?
The Program costs $50.00. This fee covers a New American Bible, a Catechism (which you will use during classes) your workbooks. It also covers the Catholic Prayers and Rosary booklets and your
Mass Guide.
Who Do I Contact to get Started?
To register, contact the Parish Office at 303-364-7435.